The Asia and Oceania Association (AOA) is one of the regional associations of the International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF), which is one of the specialized firms of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). Details of these organizations are as follows.
1) International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
ICA is an independent, non-governmental organization established in 1895 to unite, represent and serve co-operatives worldwide. It provides a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and coordinated action for and about co-operatives.
ICA’s members are international and national co-operative organizations from all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, banking, consumer, fisheries, health, housing, insurance, and workers. ICA has members from one hundred countries, representing one billion individuals worldwide.
To better achieve its objectives of global influence, ICA has a consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and works in partnership with several institutions and organizations.
2) International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)
ICMIF aims to promote and work with the cooperative and mutual insurance sector globally by providing valuable, cutting-edge information and services to members and by representing the interests of the global cooperative and mutual insurance sector.
With its global headquarters in the United Kingdom and regional associations in Americas and Asia/Oceania; today ICMIF represents 205 “people-centered insurers” in 55 countries as of April. 2024.
3) Asia & Oceania Association of the ICMIF (AOA)
AOA was established to promote the cooperative insurance movement among ICMIF members in the Asia and Oceania region in 1984. Annual conference provides networking opportunities on a regional basis. Today AOA represents 44 “people-centered insurers” in 10 countries as of April. 2024.
2. AOA’s Purpose and Activities
- to promote the cooperative insurance movement in Asia and Oceania.
- to provide opportunities for the members to express their opinions on the activities of the ICMIF.
- to promote friendship and greater opportunities for interchanges among members.
- to offer opportunities for discussion in order to solve common problems among the members.
3. AOA Board of Directors

P. A. Kiriwandeniya
Sanasa Insurance Company Ltd
(Sri Lanka)

Jocelyn D. Dequito
(The Philippines)
(As of 21 Feb. 2023)
4. Our History
【1984-2014】 | 【2015-2022.9】 |
Cooperative Associations around the World
5.AOA Secretariat Team
Tatsuya Matsuura: Executive Secretary
Shoji Osaka: Deputy Executive Secretary
Shiho Morimoto: Clerical work related to Pubric Relations,Membership fee and Accounting, etc.